We are proud to work with George Mason University‘s office of University Dissertation and Thesis Services! If you’re a student at GMU (or any other university in the world) we can help you edit, revise and format your thesis or dissertation in accordance with the guidelines of your university.
A thank you to Revista Caatinga
Proud to announce that our translating and editing services are now being recommended to authors by Revista Caatinga…. To our friends at Caatinga…. muito obrigado!!! Nós agradecemos!
The death of reading is threatening the soul
A sad, but true article from The Washington Post.
“Charles Chu calculates that at an average reading speed of 400 words per minute, it would take 417 hours in a year to read 200 books—less than the 608 hours the average American spends on social media, or the 1,642 hours watching TV.”
Presentation at 2017 Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference
Thank you to the Stearns Center at George Mason University for inviting me to the 2017 Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference! Had a great time at the workshops, also talked to some publishers and learned about some upcoming programs on academic writing. Going to take everything I learned to help YOU publish your work in the best journal possible.