The perils of Google Translate

Whenever we translate an article, we start with the original text and write the English version by hand. If we have any doubts, we’ll ask you, the author, for clarification. The Internet is great for verifying technical terms, but not so great when it comes to similar-sounding words:

Semester at the GMU Writing Center

I’ve been working with the Writing Center at George Mason University for the past semester. Click the image to see what writers have thought of my work 🙂

P.S. We just hit 100 followers on Facebook, thank you to everyone who has supported us on social media!

Eight tips from Elsevier on how to turn your thesis into an article


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Some great advice here…. and yes, we can help you with this process 🙂

Science Writing Resources from the Global Communication Center at Carnegie Melon University

The Global Communication Center at Carnegie Mellon University has published a guide to writing complex ideas in simple sentences. The key is to limit yourself to one new idea per sentence.

Full pdf:

You might also like these publications from the GCC:
IMRAD cheat sheet:
Designing effective tables:

Have you used this in your writing? Please let us know!

Happy Anniversary!

Today, October 1st 2017, marks the six year anniversary of Journal Editors of America. THANK YOU so much to everyone who has supported us all these years!

Any returning client who contacts us TODAY will receive a special discount as our way of thanking you for your loyalty.